Property description

The owner of this property came to Belize, and to Us, to plan for an early retirement. The first phase is four 20'x20' studio rental units. We have also extended Our build and manage deal to the owner. If we build it, We manage it for 15%.  

Pile Driving

driving piles for a new home project.

Property Description

Parcel 227 is 100'x 209' situated between a road and a canal. This property needed to be brought up to level and bulkheaded on the canal side. Footings for the caretakers quarters have been poured and construction of the boat dock will start in the near future.

Property Description

This building was lifted 13 feet in the air. A new foundation and concrete piers were installed. The bodega was added on the lower level. Concrete staircase was added.  

Property Description

This customer stopped by another job site of ours to inquire about construction on the island. His property required a road to be cut, fill to be brought in, and a house pad to be cleared. Being this is on the north Caye, logistics plays a large part in the building process. 15 pilings were hand driven to an average depth of 16 feet. A pier and beam foundation was erected. The house design calls for an open concept, high ceiling floor plan. All exterior walls are 2"x6" construction from better insulation factor. Radiant barrier wrap was used to mitigate heat transfer. Simpson strong ties were used at all critical joints for hurricane survivability.